viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 15, 2014
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Greed, poverty, decadence, cruelty, terror, kindness and other basic and lofty human qualities plus excellent singing have been so marvelously combined in tonight´s feature - The Phantom in the Opera - that we will be able to see ourselves for what we are: Poor devils constantly struggling to come out of the pit to touch the stars whence we came, for we are beings of light but we have allowed darkness to settle in our hearts.

This movie will let you see the monster or phantom within you. We all have one. To let or not to let this monster rule our lives is our dilemma. 

The bright path is always there in front of us to be taken but we refuse to find it and march happily on it.

Have you found it yet?

Today´s movie: The Phantom of the Opera (El fantasma de la opera)

Watch movie: Click HERE.

Ver película: presionar AQUI.

Full soundtrackThe Phantom of the Opera: Click HERE.

Música completa El fantasma de la ópera: Presionar AQUI.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014


Source: Filmaffinity.
By Gundhramns Hammer
August 2, 2014

In a way, today´s feature is an inquisition set up in the future. In other words, the movie is sort of a galactic inquisition led by a nasty warrior priest that went to hell and came back as a hybrid twisted being, half dead and half demon. 

This bastard is in a war campaign against all of humanity  and whatever alien gets in the way whether they like it ot not. 

Those that do not want to eat this monster´s crap will end up eating truckloads of it just the same in the same hell out of which which the beast, called Lord Marshall, came back. They will be destroyed.

And now lets us bring in the clowns. Enter Riddick, a tough guy that wants no part of this sectarian fucking game. 

Next let us throw in the party an elemental race that will help Riddick find his obscure origins.

The result is a movie with lots of action on which patriotism is coloured with futuristic caribbean piracy, heavy explosions, interplanetary chases and conquests to end up with nothing except power that will make everyone have a galactic orgasm.

For fuck´s sake, is it not what power does to those that make up the global colony of creeps that have taken over this planet (Earth), those that are always chasing trucks full of money and fucking up the Biosphere in order to get a fleeting feeling of being filled, and leading the masses of moronic sheeple directly into the fossil pit full of dinosaur bones and shit?

Nevertheless, they are always after power. They never get enough. 

Why? Because our Lord Marshalls here on Earth are always running low on spiritual fuel.

No doubt that if we do not clean our fucking planetary mess we will soon join the labyrindonths´ gang. And no Riddicks will come up to save our balls and their complements!

If you are ready for this exciting galactic inquisitorial mosaic of colourful moving images, let us get to it. 

Happy galactic mental masturbation!

Today´s movie: The Chronicles of Riddick (Las crónicas de Riddick):


Riddick, now a hunted man, finds himself in the middle of two opposing forces in a major crusade. Colm Feore plays Lord Marshal, a warrior priest who is the leader of a sect that is waging the tenth and perhaps final crusade 500 years in the future. Judi Dench is Aereon, an ambassador from the Elemental race. She is an ethereal being who helps Riddick unearth his origins.- Written by Jade Maxim  [IMDb


Riddick se ha pasado los últimos cinco años vagando por los mundos olvidados de la galaxia, evitando a los mercenarios que buscan su cabeza. Ahora, el fugitivo se encuentra en el planeta Helion, hogar de una sociedad progresista y multicultural que ha sido invadida por Lord Marshal, un déspota que utiliza a los humanos a merced de su ejército de guerreros conocidos como Necromongers. [Filmaffinity]

Watch movie/Ver película:

Click/Presionar HERE/AQUI.